Finally, page 3 to my report of Haiti Jan. 1-15 mission to Haiti. Especially for those of you curious to find out what happened to Matthew. (Page 1 was posted Jan. 31 regarding the Leogane leg of the trip. Page 2 Feb. 18 was regarding visits in PAP.)
So,, Weds., Jan. 10, we left for Jeremie, a 10 hour ride. Jean Eddy was already there and Tales was with him and I believe Mackary. Jean Eddy's brother Erode was with us, Mckdy and his brother
Jean Claudin
, 2 female nursing students, Esther, driver Alfried & his assistant Matthew, Guerrier, security guard, & me. We all were looking forward to this trip. I had never been there before, but several had. Guerrier served in the military there. Esther had gone after the 10-4-16 Hurricane Matthew to help. I think maybe both girls had come from there, as well as Jean Eddy & Mckdy. Jean Eddy was already there starting the building of a house for his grandmother, who lost her house in the hurricane. God provided the $6,000. for the building thru many generous friends & family & wonderful people who like me, feel privileged to help those having a rough time. This little Grandma has been sleeping on the ground in a tent for about a year & a 1/2. I'm so proud of these young men working hard to try to provide a better life for Grandma! The route to Jeremie was a little questionable since roads & bridges were wiped out in the hurricane. So, we were pleasantly surprised to drive on nice new roads & new bridges all the way. A beautiful ride with mountains and ocean for miles. We'd planned to get a meal at Les Cayes, but never found a place to eat!!! Drove the last 3 1/2 hours watching for a place to eat. NONE!!! No gas stations either. Just whiskey bottles on tables along the road with gas in them, in case of emergency!!!!! Our wonderful host met us at Jeremie & rode with us to his house so we wouldn't have to worry about how to find it!! A delicious Haitian meal awaited us at the house. We had devotions, & then for relaxation, I had taken a deck of cards(!!!) & we played the game of SPOONS!!! I hope I'm not disappointing too many of you. But, I had young people who had just rode for 10 hours....We sorted meds many of which were provided by the ministry there!!!, then bucket showered, & bucket flushed. not expensive wedding selections in short mini length
Thursday, Jan. 11- My husband's birthday. We had not been apart on his birthday, even when he was in the Army, since we were 19 years old!!! But, we survived. We went to Frondellin, climbed the muddy mountain to the building site, met the family, then climbed the muddy mountain on the other side of the road to a little church with no front, dirt floor, 3 tarp walls, a few very old benches, and 1 pulpit type table that we turned on its side to use for putting meds on. This was going to be our medical clinic for the day. Nurse Jenny started with prayer. Tales found a plank & 4 flat rocks & made another bench just inches off the ground. That bench was full all day. The whole building was full all day with people coming up that mountain in a steady stream. We saw LOTS of ringworm & eye infections, moto accident burns & a broken leg, & lots of respiratory problems, etc. We hired a doctor for the day, so were able to give out prescription meds. Esther did the pharmacy & I assisted her. She & I both put on gloves & treated burns & ringworm also, as we got quite a logjam of people waiting. I had the fun too, of giving out little dresses made by Salem, IN church ladies, & little toys & jewelry from our Pastor Dan's daughter, & some scarves some made by Pat Martin & others donated to me. Tales shared the Gospel & gave out some of the 50 Bibles that we had bought in PAP. We gave out lots of meds, some given to me by Madison, IN church. I cried at one point, thinking how the multitudes came to Jesus. We were seeing His multitudes!!! I was privileged. And we had to finally quit & turn people away.
Afterwards we went back to the house building. Grandma took my hand & put it on her belly, & said "You give me strength!" Jean Eddy was so excited to be building for his Grandma with his own hands!! Every rock & all the concrete mix & sand had to be carried up that muddy trail. The house is completed, & I should get pictures soon. Jean Eddy is going back in a few days & he will take pictures for us. I took a rock & wrote JESUS 2018 in the wet concrete. Jean Eddy wrote a heart, then THANKS EILEEN!!! Sweet!!!!!
There was some spiritual warfare going on in that house while we were there. I won't get into it to protect people's privacy, but in the night, our young assistant to the driver, fell out of bed, the top bunk!!! Had he ever done that before? NO! And he hurt his ribs He said it was like someone pushed him out of bed!!! I'll repeat for those who didn't read page 2. I had tried to share the Gospel with Matthew & he was a NO!!!! Well, by morning the other guys in that dorm room had him ready to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord & Savior, which he did in the morning with us all gathered around him. The a boy who lives there who had been listening, said, "You didn't pray for me!" So, he prayed too, & also his 2 buddies with him!!! Wow! This was awesome!! But, then, a young Haitian lady who lives there wanted to receive Christ too. And when she did, it was with many tears of repentance that was such a joy to be a part of, & yes, I was crying too!!! It was awesome to see God move hearts to open up to receive all He wanted for them to receive ....a softened heart toward God, salvation, peace with God, forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit, etc., etc. Praise God!!!!
On the way back to PAP, we stopped to enjoy the miles & miles of clean empty beaches. With mountains on the other side of the road!!!!What beauty God has created even in poor little Haiti!!!
Back in PAP, had Church Sunday with our school kids at Canaan, combined the 2 schools together, fed them. Erode shared the Gospel.
Monday, we taught 2 classes of self defense to girls at Sherrie Fausey's nice big school, then headed to the airport.
Quite a trip to say the least. THANK YOU again all who prayed, & helped make a difference!!!!!! You helped make the world a better place!!!!!!!
NEXT trip October 15- either 19 or 23, 2018. Plan to take our Pastor Dan to all the places we've been ministering, & he will go home the 19th, & I & some others will go back to Jeremie & build that 2nd house- for Mckdy's mother. And do a med clinic again. I think I left part of my heart there!!!! I have to go back!!!!! Please tell me if you are interested in going too. I welcome YOU!!!
Much love, Eileen & Dave Murphy